
Semantics, languages and tools for layered attestation


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(Attest, appraise) and (prove) in parallel


As an example of a slightly different way of structuring the two unilateral attestations that make up the mutual attestation, consider the Copland phrase below. This phrase differs from the previous one in two ways:

  1. Chiefly, we have replaced the sequential split operator +<- connecting the appraise and prove subterms (in which appraise receives input evidence and prove does not) with the parallel split operator -~- in which neither operation receives input evidence

  2. The parentheses surrounding the entire appraise and prove subterm (everything on the right of the sequence operator ->) have been dropped

*bank: @client @bank [attest bank sys] -> appraise client bank -> {} -~- prove client id

As before, the bank requests the client request an attestation from it. As a result of the second change, upon receiving this request, the client issues the request to the bank and performs the prove measurement locally on id in parallel. The result of prove is “set aside” while the bank performs attest and the client performs appraise on the result of attest, exactly as before. After sinking the result of appraise into the {} operator, the client now composes mt with the result of prove in parallel to form the final evidence of type

p(mt, m(msp(prove, client, id), client, mt))

Note that, except for the outermost symbol being p (indicating parallel rather than sequential composition), this format is identical to that of the previous example.

This phrase maintains all of the best elements of the previous one, including an explicit appraise action and the desired final evidence format. One might actually consider this phrase an improvement over the previous one, as here the prove measurement is taken in parallel with the appraisal of the bank’s attestation. This highlights the independence of the prove result as an evidence value from any evidence produced by these other activities.