
Semantics, languages and tools for layered attestation


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Single delegated appraisal with sink


This Copland phrase represents a straightforward enrichment of the previous one with the “appraise-sink” construction that we have already used several times in the other use cases. This permits us to include an explicit appraiser appraise action preceding signature, without affecting the format of final evidence.

*client: @bank [attest bank sys] -> @appraiser appraise appraiser bank -> {} +<+ !

The appraiser, after receiving the bank’s attest result from the client, first performs the appraise measurement on this input. Assuming the appraise action taken on this input returns an acceptable result, the appraiser will proceed to generate a signature on the result of attest. It sinks the result of the appraise measurement into the null operator {}, which leaves this intermediate result out of final evidence.

For reference, here is the phrase from the corresponding certificate-style example:

*client: @bank attest bank sys -> @appraiser appraise appraiser bank -> {} +<+ !

The final evidence type produced by this phrase is below. It is identical to that of the corresponding certificate-style phrase.

s(mt, g(m(msp(attest, bank, sys), bank, mt), appraiser))

Note how this evidence format is, up to a composition with the empty evidence mt, identical to the desired format from the previous example. This is the benefit of the appraise-sink technique.

We combine this notion of delegated appraisal and our previous mutual attestation scenario in the next two examples, using this example’s phrase as a starting point for the first (bank’s) half of a symmetric “delegated mutual attestation.” In addition to furnishing us with even more interesting examples, this will lead us to Copland phrases of somewhat greater complexity, which will hopefully further demonstrate the expressiveness and flexibility of the language.