
Semantics, languages and tools for layered attestation


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Explicit appraisal


The Copland phrase below represents an enhancement of the previous one with an explicit appraise action taken by the appraiser on the bank’s attest result.

*client: @bank attest bank sys -> @appraiser appraise appraiser bank +<+ !

After the bank requests the certificate from the appraiser, sending the result of its attest measurement, the appraiser will first perform the appraise action on this input and subsequently generate a signature on it. We know this because the appraise and ! operations are joined with +<+, the sequential split operator where both sides receive full input evidence. The appraise action produces evidence of type

m(msp(appraise, appraiser, bank), appraiser, m(msp(attest, bank, sys), bank, mt))

In the event that the appraisal evidence indicates the bank’s system is uncompromised, the appraiser will perform the signature operation on the result of attest and sequentially compose this signature with the appraise evidence to form the final evidence of type:

s(m(msp(appraise, appraiser, bank), appraiser, m(msp(attest, bank, sys), bank, mt)), g(m(msp(attest, bank, sys), bank, mt), appraiser))

We have managed to extend our first-effort Copland phrase with an explicit appraisal step that has the correct precedence relationship with the signature generation action that produces the certificate. However, in adding this appraisal action, we have disrupted the form of our final evidence. Rather than a self-contained certificate, what is provided to the client is the desired certificate along with the appraise results. In our scenario, these results are not of interest (and might even be meaningless) to the client. We would therefore like to find a refinement of this phrase that keeps in the explicit appraise action while ensuring the final evidence consists only of the certificate. We consider such a refinement in the next example.