Programming Languages in Haskell

Support for EECS 662 at KU

\[\newcommand\calc{\mathsf{calc}\;} \newcommand\parse{\mathsf{parse}\;} \newcommand\typeof{\mathsf{typeof}\;} \newcommand\interp{\mathsf{interp}\;} \newcommand\eval{\mathsf{eval}\;} \newcommand\NUM{\mathsf{NUM}\;} \newcommand\iif{\mathsf{if}\;} \newcommand\tthen{\;\mathsf{then}\;} \newcommand\eelse{\;\mathsf{else}\;} \newcommand\iisZero{\mathsf{isZero}\;} \newcommand\aand{\;\mathsf{\&\&}\;} \newcommand\lleq{\;\mathtt{<=}\;} \newcommand\ttrue{\;\mathsf{true}} \newcommand\ffalse{\;\mathsf{false}} \newcommand\tnum{\;\mathsf{TNum}} \newcommand\tbool{\;\mathsf{TBool}} \newcommand\bbool{\mathsf{Boolean}\;} \newcommand\nnum{\mathsf{Num}\;}\]

Failure Is an Option

We’ve established that ABE fails for test cases that attempt to use Boolean values where numbers should be used or numbers where Boolean values should be used. Before addressing that specific problem, let’s look at how failure should be handled generally. But first, a bit of new terminology.

We are defining a new language called ABE using Haskell to build parsers and interpreters. We will refer to ABE as the external language or domain specific language. We refer to Haskell as the host language or implementation language. The distinction is we are building tools for ABE and using Haskell to build them.

When the current ABE interpreter fails, it fails in the host language. When we call the Haskell error function we jump out of our interpreter and generate a Haskell error message. This approach works, but we cannot control errors and our only choice is hard failure.

We have no control over errors. They happen and our control of execution ends. Java uses an innovative approach where exceptions are Java data structures that allow us to write Java programs to process them. This is how systems like Eclipse can allow new tools that generate error messages to simply be plugged into the infrastructure. Right now, we can’t do this.

Our only choice is to fail completely. What if our interpreters can avoid failures? What if we can predict failures during or before execution? This results in systems that are more robust and code that we can better control.

Let’s look at two approaches to handling errors. The first will handle them dynamically or at run-time. Our interpreter will generate error messages as data structures that we can process how we choose. The second will handle them *statically by predicting runtime failure before execution. We will still have run-time errors, but substantially fewer.

Runtime Error Prediction

We will update our ABE evaluator to catch errors and run time rather than falling into Haskell using the error function. The new evaluator will return either a value or an error message that we can handle however we want.


Let’s change the type signature of the ABE eval function just a bit and define a new function called evalErr that returns either an ABE term or a string representing an error:

evalErr :: ABE -> Maybe ABE

Let’s start with the two easy cases for number and Boolean constants.

evalErr (Num t) = (return (Num t))
evalErr (Boolean b) = (return (Boolean b))

In both cases there is no need to evaluate tne term because Num and Boolean are in fact values. The statements (return (Num t)) and (return (Boolean t)) do just what we need. Remember that for the Maybe monad return = Just, so both statements simply create an instance of Just and return it.

Constant cases are not particularly interesting, so let’s look at isZero. Unlike the constant cases, isZero can fail when evaluating its argument or when the argument is not the right type.:

evalErr (IsZero t) =
  do r <- (evalErr t)
     case r of
       (Num v) -> (return (Boolean (v == 0)))
       _ -> Nothing

First the argument to IsZero is evaluated and bound to v using the do notation. If eval t returns Just x then r is bound to x. When building eval, we were pretty much done. Compare the result to zero and return result using return and Right and crash if somehow the comparison fails. Here we catch that failure using the case operation over r. If r is a Num, then we return exactly what we returned before. The construction is a bit different as we use pattern matching to project v from Num v to perform the comparison with 0

If r is anything but a number, we immediately return Nothing. Nothing represents an error in this implementation. Remember that return = Just, so return Nothin is not well typed and not what we want. Simply returning Nothing directly indicates an error. Note that any operation consuming the error result will simply pass it through due to the use of the Maybe monad. So, we don’t need to implement all kinds of error checking.

The remaining binary operations are virtually the same except we have two arguments to evaluate and need to nest handling argument results. Look first at Plus:

evalErr (Plus t1 t2) =
  do r1 <- (evalErr t1)
     r2 <- (evalErr t2)
     case r1 of
       (Num v1) -> case r2 of
                     (Num v2) -> (return (Num (v1+v2)))
                     _ -> Nothing
       _ -> Nothing

There is no magic here! We calculate the values of both arguments and bind the results to r1 and r2 respectively. Then we apply the same pattern as IsZero and determine if the first argument is a number or something else. In the number case, we repeat the same process for r2 and do the same thing. In the something else cases, we do exactly what we did previously and return Nothing. In the number case, we calculate the result of Plus and return it as (return (Num (v1+v2))). The other binary operations follow similarly.

The remaining operation is if. The condition is evaluated and the outcome handled using the same pattern as other expressions. If the condition evaluates to a Boolean, them we choose the expression to evaluate based on the Boolean value. The final code has the following form:

evalErr (If t1 t2 t3) =
           do r <- (evalErr t1)
              case r of
                (Boolean v) -> if v then (evalErr t2) else (evalErr t3)
                _ -> Nothing

If follows the same pattern as isZero. The condition is evaluated first and bound to r if no error is generated. If Nothin results from evaluating the condition, then Nothing falls through. (See the monadic patter at work?) r is then used to determine which arm of the If to evaluate and evalErr called as appropriate. Note that we do not use return here as the evalErr result will be of the right type without lifting with Just.

Once the interpreter is completed, we can define an interpreter function in a manner similar to the original interpreter function for eval:

interpErr = evalErr . parseABE

Now we’re set to test our new interpreter.


The same functions used for testing the original ABE evaluator are also useful for evalErr. We simply substitute interpErr for interp in the test functions:

testEvalErr :: Int -> IO ()
testEvalErr n = quickCheckWith stdArgs {maxSuccess=n}
  (\t -> (interpErr $ pprint t) == (evalErr t))

Running testEvalErr for 1000 random cases reveals that we accomplished our original goal of having an evaluator for ABE that does not crash.

However, we can do more. Let’s compare eval and evalErr to assess whether our new implementation agrees with our original implementation. Unfortunately, this is not as simple as creating a function that compares the results of eval and evalErr like this:

\t -> eval t == evalErr t

because the return type of eval is different than the return type of evalErr and eval still crashes. What we care about are cases when eval should not crash and produce a value. We can’t test for eval not crashing, but we can test for when evalErr produces a value rather than an error. Remember Right and Left? When evalErr returns a Right value we know it produced a value and eval should also produce a value. When evalErr returns a Left we know it produced an error message and we should not evaluate eval. Here’s a function to do just this:

(\t -> (let r = (evalErr t) in
          case r of
            (Right v) -> v == (eval t)
            (Left v) -> True))

The case performs exactly the check we need. Right compares the value generated with the results of eval on t. Left just returns True. Why? QuickCheck checks to see if the conjunction of all tests succeed. True causes QuickCheck to ignore the case. Exactly what we want. Here’s the QuickCheck function:

testEvals :: Int -> IO ()
testEvals n = quickCheckWith stdArgs {maxSuccess=n}
  (\t -> (let r = (evalErr t) in
            case r of
              (Right v) -> v == (eval t)
              (Left v) -> True))

Running testEvals on a thousand test cases should generate no errors.

Where QuickCheck was helpful in earlier tests, it shines here. We updated eval and we want to make sure we did not introduce errors. This is exactly what QuickCheck’s random testing does for us. Whether developing interpreters or other tools, this technique will prove exceptionally useful.

Static Error Prediction

If you get anything out of this missive, it should be that programs are simply data structures. We can write programs that evaluate them, look at them, transform them, and synthesize them. They are data structures and can be treated like any other data structure.

In that spirit, let’s look at our first example of such an application that predicts failure before evaluating a program. The specific failure we will look for is the same failure we caught dynamically in the previous example. Specifically, we will predict when arguments to an operator do not match what the operator expects before execution. Instead of running code and watching for errors, we will predict errors before running the code. This is an example of static analysis where we want to say something about a program without actually running it.

To understand where we’re headed think about the operations 2+3 and false+3. If we interpret 2+3 we will get a value where interpreting false+3 throws an error. The problem is that + is not defined for false. We saw this earlier when our interpreter crashed and when we caught the error at run-time.

We caught the error by looking at the argument evaluation result’s constructors. Evaluating 2 and 3 before adding gives two results that are instances of Num. The interpreter sees the Num constructor and can infer both arguments have evaluated to numbers. Evaluated false does not give a number, but instead gives a Boolean constructed with Boolean.

What we’ve discovered is that + will only operate on number values and that number values are always constructed with Num. Similarly, && only operates on Boolean values and all Boolean values are constructed with Boolean. Again similarly, <= only operates on number values and number values are always constructed with Num. It should be clear we are looking at sets of values constructed with a specific constructor.

If we want to predict failure, we need to predict constructors. t1 + t1 will execute correctly if evaluating t1 and t2 results in something constructed with Num. Said mathematically:

\(\eval t_1 \in \{(\nnum x) \mid x\in Int\}\) \(\eval t_2 \in \{(\nnum x) \mid x\in Int\}\)

where $Int$ is the Haskell Int type. Note that both $t_1$ and $t_2$ must belong to the same set of nuymber values created with $\nnum$. Let’s give this set a name, $\tnum$:

\[\tnum == \{(\nnum x) \mid x\in Int\}\]

Now the question becomes whether we can predict $\tnum$ from $t_1$ and $t_2$ without executing either. eval is defined by including one case for each language constructor in its definition. Can we do the same here? Let’s try by defining a function we’ll never implement called predict. First, let’s take care of our values:

predict (Num _) = TNum
predict (Boolean _) = TBool

Because TNum is defined as everything created using the Num constructor, the first definition should be obvious. Certainly anything created with Num can be identified as belonging to TNum. The same holds for Boolean except the set is defined just like TNum as:

\[\tbool == \{(\bbool x) \mid x \in Bool\}\]

Next let’s look at one of our binary operations, +. We decided earlier than + operates on TNum values, so we need to check that its arguments are in TNum. If they are, then + produces a number value in TNum. Again writing a definition for predict over the abstract syntax for + gives:

predict Plus t1 t2 = if predict t1==TNum && predict t2==TNum then TNum else error

Forget about the error and focus on the then clause. When both t1 and t2 are predicted to be numbers, t1+t2 is predicted to be a number. How about <=:

predict Lte t1 t2 = if predict t1==TBool && predict t2==TBool then TNum else error

One can imagine doing the same thing for other constructions in ABE. Which constructions can this not be done for? As it turns out, none. We can predict the set associated with any expression in ABE.

What is going on here is a simple form of type inference. If we treat TNum and TBool is the names of types, then predict is a function that returns the type of an expression that we will call typeof. It predicts what set - or type - an expression’s associated value is in.

The typeof function is simply another interpreter for the ABE language. typeof takes an expression in ABE and evaluates it just like eval, except the values associated with typeof are TNum and TBool. Programs are just data structures and can be interpreted in many ways. typeof is one such alternate interpretation.

Type Rules

Like eval earlier, let’s define a set of rules for our new typeof function before implementing it. These rules will define the relation $t:T$ that is read t of type T. The same notation defining antecedents and consequents can be used to define each rule.

First the constant values:

\[\frac{}{\NUM : \tnum}\; [NumT]\] \[\frac{}{\ttrue : \tbool}\; [TrueT]\] \[\frac{}{\ffalse : \tbool}\; [FalseT]\]

Here we simply define axioms that give numbers, true, and false their associated types. It is important that each ABE expression have exactly one type, thus there is precisely one axiom for each value.

Next we’ll define types for numerical operations from AE:

\[\frac{t_1 : \tnum,\; t_2 : \tnum}{t_1 + t_2 : \tnum}\; [PlusT]\] \[\frac{t_1 : \tnum,\; t_2 : \tnum}{t_1 + t_2 : \tnum}\; [MinusT]\]

In both rules the antecedents place requirements on the types of the operation’s arguments. Addition is a number if its arguments are numbers. Similarly for subtraction. Both addition and subtraction have no defined type if their arguments are not numbers.

Compare these rules with the rules for eval. Notice anything interesting? Let’s keep going with the next three ABE operations for &&, <=, and isZero:

\[\frac{t_1 : \tbool,\; t_2 : \tbool}{t_1 \aand t_2 : \tbool}\; [AndT]\] \[\frac{t_1 : \tnum,\; t_2 : \tnum}{t_1 \lleq t_2 : \tbool}\; [LeqT]\] \[\frac{t : \tnum}{\iisZero t : \tbool}\; [isZeroT]\]

These operations are almost identical to the addition and subtraction operations. Requirements are placed on the argument types and if those requirements are met, the specified term is given a type. Once again there is only one rule for each expression assuring that each expression will have only one type.

The if expression is a bit more interesting:

\[\frac{t_0 : \tbool,\; t_1 : T,\; t_2 : T }{\iif t_0 \tthen t_1 \eelse t_2 : T}\;[IfT]\]

The condition is required to be TBool as expected. However, the then and else cases are both required to be of unknown type $T$. $T$ in this context is a type variable that can take any type value. Thus, the arms of an if expression can be either Boolean or numbers as long as they are the same. Unlike all other terms, all instances of if do not have the same type. Is this a problem?

The $IfT$ rule ensures that any specific if expression has only one type. If the two cases were allowed to have different types, the if’s type cannot be predicted without knowing the value of the conditional. This will only be known dynamically and we are trying to predict errors statically. By requiring true and false cases to have the same type, we know that the $\iif$ expression will have that single type.

The $\typeof$ function implements type inference where we calculate a type for an expression. Haskell uses type inference extensively, but you’re likely more familiar with languages that implement type checking. In type checking we don’t necessarily calculate a type, but instead annotate expressions with types and check to see if those annotations hold. A function typecheck would accept an expression and a type as arguments and return a Boolean value if the expression has that type. We’ll say that an expression, $t$, is well-typed if typeof t is defined or typecheck e t is true for some type t and e.

Back to comparison with eval. Do you see the parallel between $\eval$ rules and $\typeof$ rules? There is a one-to-one correspondence between the rules. They are structured the same way and as we’ll see soon, they will be implemented in roughly the same way. This is not always true, but the similarity is something we’ll revisit in later discussions.


We’ll build a functioned called typeof by defining a function that predicts the type of an expression. The typeof function will take an ABE structure and return either a type or an error indicator. The Maybe monad will prove useful as it has before. The signature of typeof is:

typeof :: ABE -> Maybe TABE

where TABE is the type of an ABE expression. We’re structuring typeof like eval so we can catch errors rather than use Haskell for reporting.

We need to define TABE to represent all term types in ABE. There are only two, number and Boolean and we’ve given them names already - TNum and TBool. It’s a simple matter to define the new type TABE for representing ABE types:

data TABE where
  TNum :: TABE
  TBool :: TABE
  deriving (Show,Eq)

TNum is the type of numbers and TBool is the type of Booleans.

Given an ABE expression, typeof will return its type using Just if it is well-typed and return Nothing if it is not. Like eval, if we define one case for each ABE expression, we will completely define typeof for ABE.

The cases for the Num and Boolean constructors are trivial. All Num constructions are of type TNum and Boolean constructions are of type TBool. The typeof cases for Num and Boolean simply return their associated types, TNum and TBool respectively:

typeof (Num _) = return TNum
typeof (Boolean _) = return TBool

Note that each value has precisely one type as specified by the first three type rules.

Next we’ll consider the Plus and Minus operations. Both require their arguments to be of type TNum. If they are, then the operation is also of type TNum. In the following code snippet, arguments to Plus and Minus are checked to determine if they are type TNum. If so, (Just TNum) is returned to indicate a type was found and it is TNum:

typeof (Plus l r) = do l' <- (typeof l)
                       r' <- (typeof r)
                       if l'==TNum && r'==TNum
                         then return TNum
                         else Nothing
typeof (Minus l r) = do l' <- (typeof l)
                        r' <- (typeof r)
                        if l'==TNum && r'==TNum
                          then return TNum
                          else Nothing

If either argument type is not TNum, then Nothing is returned indicating an error. It still holds that if either l or r are not well-typed, Nothing is returned and falls through the do indicating an error.

Before moving on, take note of the similarity between the code for Plus and its associated inference rule:

\[\frac{t_1 : \tnum,\; t_2 : \tnum}{\typeof t_1 + t_2 : \tnum}\; [PlusT]\]

The antecedent types are found and compared with TNum just as specified in the rule. One could easily imagine an automatic transformation from rules like this to Haskell code.

It’s more of the same for And, Leq and IsZero except they require different argument types and produce different types. And requires Boolean arguments and produces a Boolean type. Leq requires numerical arguments and produces a Boolean type. Finally, isZero requires a numerical argument and produces a Boolean type:

typeof (And l r) = do l' <- (typeof l)
                      r' <- (typeof r)
                      if l'==TBool && r'==TBool
                        then (return TBool)
                        else Nothing
typeof (Leq l r) = do l' <- (typeof l)
                      r' <- (typeof r)
                      if l'==TNum && r'==TNum
                        then (return TBool)
                        else Nothing
typeof (IsZero t) = do t' <- (typeof t)
                       if t'==TNum
                         then (return TBool)
                         else Nothing

In each case, an error is return if arguments are not of the correct type. In each case the structure of the Haskell code matches the structure of the inference rule.

if is the most interesting of the ABE expressions. Unlike other expressions, different if expressions do not always have the same type. Consider two examples:

if x then 5 else 7+1
if x then true else 7<=1

where the first expression has type number and the second has type Boolean. Is this expression okay:

if x then 5 else true

If x is true, then the type of the if is clearly number. But if x is false, then the type of the if is clearly Boolean. What gives? Can the if expression have two types? For an answer, think about the expression:

1 + if x then 5 else true

The addition operation requires both arguments to be numbers. In this case, we can’t say whether the if is or is not a number until we know the value of x. This is key. It’s one thing to predict the type of x, but the value requires evaluating x. Running the evaluator during type checking makes the two mutually recursive and is not wise. At least for the time being.

What we need is for the type to be independent of the Boolean condition. If both if outcomes have the same type, then no matter then value of the conditional the expression has the same type. Thus, typeof checks the type of its conditional to determine if it is Boolean and then checks to determine if the types of the true and false conditions are the same. If so, the type is returned. If not, an error is returned. Putting all this together, the If expression’s type is checked as follows:

typeof (If c t e) = do c' <- (typeof c)
                       t' <- (typeof t)
                       e' <- (typeof e)
                       if c' == TBool && t'==e'
                         then (return t')
                         else Nothing

If the condition is not Boolean or the result types are not the same, then typeof returns an error message using Nothing.

Putting everything together for all expressions, the result is the following typeof definition:

typeof :: ABE -> Maybe TABE
typeof (Num x) = (return TNum)
typeof (Plus l r) = do l' <- (typeof l)
                       r' <- (typeof r)
                       if l'==TNum && r'==TNum
                         then return TNum
                         else Nothing
typeof (Minus l r) = do l' <- (typeof l)
                        r' <- (typeof r)
                        if l'==TNum && r'==TNum
                          then return TNum
                          else Nothing
typeof (Boolean b) = (return TBool)
typeof (And l r) = do l' <- (typeof l)
                      r' <- (typeof r)
                      if l'==TBool && r'==TBool
                        then (return TBool)
                        else Nothing
typeof (Leq l r) = do l' <- (typeof l)
                      r' <- (typeof r)
                      if l'==TNum && r'==TNum
                        then (return TBool)
                        else Nothing
typeof (IsZero t) = do t' <- (typeof t)
                       if t'==TNum
                         then (return TBool)
                         else Nothing
typeof (If c t e) = do c' <- (typeof c)
                       t' <- (typeof t)
                       e' <- (typeof e)
                       if c' == TBool && t'==e'
                         then (return t')
                         else Nothing

Interpreting with typeof

The typeof function gives the type of an ABE expression if it is well-typed and generates an error message if it is not. We can now predict type errors before we evaluate an ABE expression. We call typeof before eval and only call eval if typeof results in a type. Here is one way to do that:

interpTyped :: String -> Maybe ABE
interpTyped e = let p=(parseABE e) in
                  case (typeof p) of
                    (Just _) -> (eval p)
                    Nothing -> Nothing

interpTyped is does exactly what we need. It parses its input and calls typeof on the result. The case chooses between Just that contains a type and Nothing that indicates an error. eval is called on the parsed input if a type is returned while an error message is simply returned in the error case. Note that we’re using Maybe the same way we did with the runtime error interpreter. This is simply for consistency and will help us when we start testing.

We can also define interpTyped monadically:

interpTypedM :: String -> Maybe ABE
interpTypedM s = do ast <- return (parseABE s)
                    typeof ast
                    (eval ast)

Using the do notation in this case doesn’t have a great deal of benefit, but the function is certainly useful as an alternative to the traditional interpTyped.


QuickCheck is going to serve us exceptionally well again. We can test the type checker in the same manner as we have tested interpreters by calling typeof on random inputs. However let’s skip that step and move to something more interesting.

The first property we would like to check is whether typeof statically predicts runtime errors. We can do this by generating random inputs, calling typeof on each input, and eval on the result only when typeof does not generate an error message. If eval never crashes, then typeof is catching at least all the errors eval crashed on.

testTypedEval :: Int -> IO ()
testTypedEval n =
  quickCheckWith stdArgs {maxSuccess=n}
  (\t -> case typeof t of
           (Just _) -> eval (parseABE (pprint t)) == (eval t)
           Nothing -> True)

Note that we’re calling eval as before by parsing the printed arbitrary term. This is not entirely necessary, but allows us to do some sanity checking in this set of tests.

Interestingly, typeof may not be correct even though it prevents crashs and otherwise seems to work. If our typeof function were defined as:

typeof e = Nothing

it would pass the above QuickCheck test! Thus, it is not sufficient to run just this test. Correctness testing is also necessary.

When we wrote evalErr we tested it against our original evaluation function. Let’s test our interpErr function against interpTyped to see if the type checker catches the same errors that are caught at run time. Let’s try the simple solution first and compare the results of the two interpreters on the same input. Recall that we defined both to return Monad ABE so we can simply compare their results directly:

(\t -> (interpTyped t) == (interpErr t))

Even a small number of test cases reveals a problem. If both interpreters produce a value and not an error message, everything is fine. If not, the error messages don’t match and the equality test fails. What we want to know is whether both interpreters produce the same result modulo specific error messages.1

Instead of using strict equality, we can use a weaker comparison:

eqInterp :: Maybe ABE -> Maybe ABE -> Bool
eqInterp s t =
  case s of
    (Just x) -> case t of
                  Just y -> x == y
                  Nothing -> False
    Nothing -> False

In eqInterp interpretation results are compared directly for values and specific messages ignored for errors. We can now use this in a proposition for checking:

(\t -> let t' = pprint t in (eqInterp (interpTyped t') (interpErr t')))

This proposition calls interpTyped and interpErr on the same arbitrary term and determines if they both generate an error or eval and evalErr both generate the same value:

testTypedErrEval :: Int -> IO ()
testTypedErrEval n =
  quickCheckWith stdArgs {maxSuccess=n}
  (\t -> let t' = pprint t in (eqInterp (interpTyped t') (interpErr t')))

Effectively, testTypedErrEval determines if the two interpreters are equivalent. Let’s call testTypedErrEval on 1000 test cases to make sure. Here’s what I got on my first attempt:

Main> testTypedErrEval 1000
*** Failed! Falsifiable (after 92 tests):
If (Boolean False) (Boolean False) (Num 59)

An error is not what we expected! We know already that eval and evalErr produce the same value in cases where a term does not generate an error. Why is this different? Examining the counterexample QuickCheck provides gives us a clue.

The concrete syntax for the counterexample is:

if false then true else 59

This term does not have a static type because its two outcomes have different types. The first term is Boolean as required, but the second two terms do not have the same type. Thus, typeof throws an error. However, according to the implementation of interpErr, this term evaluates to 59. The condition is false, thus the else expression is evaluated.

What gives? Which is correct?

In a very real sense, both are. Error checking at runtime as implemented in our interpErr is what languages like Scheme do. It’s quite common to have constructs like:

(if x 3 "oops")

in Scheme. The calling code must deal with all possible outcomes of evaluating if.

What interpType does is what languages like Haskell do. Both interpreters implement the same language. What should we check? Let’s break the equality in half. Specifically: (i) if interpErr returns a value see if interpTyped returns the same value; and (ii) if interpTyped returns a value see if interpErr returns the same value. Here are the QuickCheck properties:

testErrThenTyped :: Int -> IO ()
testErrThenTyped n =
  quickCheckWith stdArgs {maxSuccess=n}
  (\t -> let t' = pprint t in
           case (interpErr t') of
             (Just v) -> (Just v) == interpTyped t'
             Nothing -> True)

testTypedThenErr :: Int -> IO ()
testTypedThenErr n =
  quickCheckWith stdArgs {maxSuccess=n}
  (\t -> let t' = pprint t in
           case (interpTyped t') of
             (Just v) -> (Just v) == interpErr t'
             Nothing -> True)

Running each on 1000 cases reveals the first property does not hold, while the second does. Static type checking is more conservative that run-type type checking. An interesting result that we will revisit later.


We end this chapter with two interpreters for ABE that are not equivalent. Our first QuickCheck experiment quickly demonstrated that the if expression is handled differently when checked dynamically than when checked statically. Our last two tests established that checking statically is more conservative than checking dynamically. Specifically, handling errors at run time allowed more programs to execute than static type checking.

Which interpreter is correct? As it turns out, both are correct for two reasons. First, the definition of ABE does not describe failure. The original definition only describes successful computations leaving failure completely up to the implementer. Thus, neither of our ABE implementations violate the language definition.

Second, ABE and ABE with types are two different languages. ABE with types (ABET2) uses the same definition for evaluation, but implicitly says that only languages satisfying its associated typeof function should be interpreted. The typeof definition becomes a part of the ABET language. We’ll discuss this further in later chapters.

An interesting question is whether the ABE interpreters can be made equivalent. The issue is in the if statement where the original interpreter does not require the true and false cases to have the same type while the typed interpreter does. The simple answer is no. Making the ABE interpreter with dynamic error handling catch cases where the true and false cases are not the same type requires having the interpreter predict types or execute both arms. Making the type checker allow cases where the types are different, but the interpreter does not crash requires predicting how the result of the if will be used. In essence, each interpreter would be required to implement the other.



  1. Modify interpErr to use the Either monad rather than Maybe. If you’re not familiar with the Either type constructor, there is ample documentation of its use.3 Either provides two constructors, Right and Left that encapsulate two different types. Use the Either type to return either an ABE value, v (Right v) or a string error message, s (Left s). Now we get an actual error message when failing rather than Nothing. When making this change, remember that Either is a monad and that return == Right.
  2. Modify interpErr to make error messages values in ABE rather than use the Maybe type. You should update the ABE AST to include a new constructor, Error that is a constant like Num and Boolean.
  3. Using typeof implement a function typecheck that accepts an expression and a type and returns true if the expression has that type.
  4. Add multiplication and division to the ABE interpreter with run-time error handling. Update definitions for concrete syntax, abstract syntax, inference rules for eval, and implementations. If you can implement divide by zero error catching, do so.
  5. Add multiplication and division to the ABE interpreter with type checking. Update definitions for concrete syntax, abstract syntax, inference rules for eval and typeof, and implementations. If you can implement divide by zero error catching in typeof, do so.



  1. Modulo error messages implies the values are the same except for differences in the specific message. (Left “Error message 1”) and (Left “Different error message”) are equivalent modulo error message. 

  2. The ABET is a tribute to my friend and colleague Nancy Kinnersley who passed away unexpectedly. She was committed to service through the ABET accreditation organization. Seems only fitting. 

  3. “Either Monad”